Becoming an Interfaith Friend
Sun, Oct 6th 10:10am - 11am
Commons A
Gary United Methodist Church 224 North Main Street Wheaton, IL 60187

Becoming an Interfaith Friend Sundays, Sept. 8–Oct. 6, 10:10 a.m., led by Dr. Michael Graves For the whole history of the Church, Christians have shared space with people who follow other religious paths and have their own beliefs and experiences of the sacred. This is very much true for us today. The goal of this class will be to orient our hearts and heads so that we are better equipped to be good interfaith friends. Over a period of five weeks, we will reflect together on what it means to be “religious,” and we will learn a bit about Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists for the purpose of understanding our neighbors as they understand themselves and preparing ourselves to be loving neighbors and friends. Sept 8: What does it mean to be ‘religious’? Sept. 15: Judaism and our Jewish Friends Sept. 22: Islam and our Muslim Friends Sept. 29: ‘Hinduism’ and our Hindu Friends Oct. 6: Buddhism and our Buddhist Friends