Online Giving
More and more individuals and families are choosing to give electronically. This free and convenient service simplifies the giving process, allows you to give 24/7, improves stewardship, encourages consistency, and increases our administrative effectiveness. It's easy to start, change or stop. To make transactions safely online from your credit card or checking/savings account click below.
To securely make a gift from your phone, text (630) 320-0668 and save the number in your phone.
- Text GIVE and follow the prompts.
- Text EDIT to update your information, setup a recurring gift and check the status of a gift.
- Text KEYWORD to see available designations.
- Text REFUND within 15 minutes of your gift to cancel your gift.
Cash and Checks
Cash and checks are the most common way people give to the church. Make checks payable to "Gary United Methodist Church." If you would like your cash gifts to be reflected on your giving statement, use an offering envelope and be sure to write your name and address clearly. Unless you designate a specific fund or ministry, all gifts are directed to the General Fund, which supports our ministries.
For those interested, the church provides giving envelopes. Gifts received in these giving envelopes are tracked and sent out in a quarterly statement. If you would like to sign up to receive giving envelopes, please check the box on the envelope located in one of the pew racks in the Sanctuary or call the church office.
Stock Gifts
Our church welcomes donations of stocks and mutual funds. Please contact the church office if you would like to discuss a stock gift.
Matching Gifts
Many companies allow their employees to make donations to charitable organizations through payroll deductions, and they often match the gift dollar for dollar. Ask your company's Human Resources, Matching Gift, or Payroll department if the company has a matching gift program. Gary Church is an approved tax-exempt organization by the I.R.S. under section 501(c)(3).
Year-end Gifts
Many in our church family make special year-end gifts to support our ministry. Because all gifts are subject to I.R.S. deadlines, please remember that all year-end gifts must be received in the church office or must be postmarked before midnight on December 31 to be deducted on your present tax return. The date written on a check will not determine in which tax year a gift is included. Only the actual date of receipt by the church or the postmark will establish the correct tax year for the I.R.S.
Personal Property (Gifts-in-kind)
Over the years, the church has been given automobiles, computers, office supplies, furniture, and more. We gratefully accept gifts-in-kind that we can truly use, or we try to direct donors to other ministries that have specific needs. Gifts-in-kind can be a little more complicated due to I.R.S. regulations, but we will be happy to help you with the process. Please contact the church office to discuss any possible gift-in-kind donations. We will then determine if and how we can use the items. The church will provide a letter stating the nature of the gift but it is the donor's responsibility to assess and document the value of the gift for tax purposes. Gifts-in-kind are not included on your quarterly statement from the church.
Wills, Endowment Fund and Bequests
A charitable gift can be given to the church through your will or other estate plans. The gift can be used to honor the Lord from the financial increase He has given you during your lifetime (Proverbs 3:9-10) and to benefit Gary Church in wonderful ways. This type of gift can also be helpful to appropriately avoid estate taxes. If you choose to include the church in your will or estate plan, please let your attorney know the church's name and address. In addition, please tell your attorney that the church is a 501(c)(3) organization. If you have already included the church in your will, please let us know so that we can say "thank you." Don't forget that qualified retirement plans will be considered part of your estate at death, but if handled correctly they can also be deductible from the estate as charitable gifts.
DAF Direct
If you have a Donor Advised Fund with Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable or BNY Mellon, you can request a contribution be transferred directly from your account using the secure link below.
"In Memory of..." Tribute Gifts
We appreciate gifts that are designated "in memory of" loved ones, family members, friends and others. We are grateful for those who have uniquely remembered a loved one by making a gift in their memory to the ministries of Gary Church. Relatives or close friends may choose to designate a gift for any established fund of the church.
"In Honor of..." Tribute Gifts
We are thankful for gifts that are designated "in honor of" loved ones, family members, friends, ministry leaders, pastors, mentors, and others. We are grateful for those that have uniquely remembered a loved one by making a gift in their honor to our church. Relatives or close friends may choose to designate a gift for any established fund of the church.
Thrivent Choice®
You can give to Gary United Methodist Church through this charitable grant program.
Our 2024 stewardship campaign, “Grow in Faith | Serve in Love,” shows how Gary Church members can share God’s love through prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. To make a commitment for 2024, click here or turn in your stewardship card.