Gary United Methodist Church in Wheaton, IL supports a variety of local, regional, and international organizations, enabling individuals to live their faith through prayer, hands-on work, financial support, donations of needed items, companionship, presence, and/or systemic change. In addition to these missions, many of which arose from the interests and passions of our congregation, we support other causes of the United Methodist Church that allow us to combine our offerings with those of other United Methodists, nationally and globally, to enact change around the world.

Red Bird Mission School Supplies Drive

Gary Kids are collecting school supplies for Red Bird Mission School in Appalachia. Donations of Clorox wipes, mechanical pencils, backpacks, two-pocket folders, 2" 3-ring notebooks, Scotch tape, composition books, pencil bags and pencil sharpeners will be accepted in the bin in the Commons. Click here for a full list of educational needs.

Provide lunch for hungry kids

With school out for the summer, many families struggle to provide lunch. Let’s collect lots of lunch choices for the People’s Resource Center. Fill the bin in the Commons with tuna, peanut butter and jelly, mayo, pickles, carrots and apples, small chip bags and cookies, mac and cheese and SpaghettiOs.

Common Ground garden returns

Gary Church has plots #2 and #40 at Atten Park in Wheaton this year to harvest produce for Outreach and the People’s Resource Center. Can you help with planting, weeding, watering and harvesting? Contact Fred Wayland through the Church Office.

Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2-6 p.m., Activity Center or Commons

Each pint donated can save up to three lives. The need is constant, and every pint is precious. Walk-ins also welcome. Next date: Nov. 20.

Help World Relief

Helping some of our newest neighbors

World Relief is a refugee resettlement non-profit that started in Wheaton. Last year they brought over 900 refugees from around the world to the Chicago area. These legal immigrants have gone through a multi-year extensive process before being cleared to come to the United States. World Relief has a record of getting these families, most still learning English, in place in our community and bringing them to self-sufficiency in under six months.

To broaden Gary Church’s support of World Relief we are launching two efforts:

Please watch the e-news for more details about Gary Church’s World Relief efforts. And, watch the video below.


Additional current needs

Items needed for DuPage PADS

DuPage PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) provides temporary shelter for the unhoused. Here's a list of their current needs. If you can help, donate items in the bin in the Commons.

Volunteer at the People’s Resource Center
Wednesdays, 2:45–6 p.m., 201 S. Naperville Rd.

The PRC needs volunteers to help with food distribution. Volunteers will stock shelves, pack boxes of food, assist shoppers and direct traffic. Volunteers must be 13 years or older, able to lift a watermelon and comfortable remaining active during the shift. Fill out a volunteer application at

PRC needs food and personal care items

The People’s Resource Center continues to see increased visits to its food pantries. Some of the items needed are rice, dry pasta, peanut butter, and personal care items like diapers in sizes 5-7, bar soap and toothpaste. Tuna and soups are always welcome. Due to overwhelming donations of clothing, the PRC is taking a break from accepting clothes for now. Thank you to all for your donations! If you have food to donate, please feel free to leave it in the bin in the Commons.

Help people in the Holy Land

UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) is working with local partners in Israel and Gaza to provide help with everything from relocation and food to trauma counseling and telemedicine services. You can donate to UMCOR through

Recycle Styrofoam

The recycling collection Sundays in 2024 will be Jan. 7, April 14, July 14 and Oct. 6, 8:45–10:30 a.m., South Driveway. Can you help one time or more for collection or driving duties? If so, please contact Elaine McCluskey through the Church Office.

If you miss the dates, feel free to drop off Styrofoam at Dart Container Corporation, 310 Evergreen Dr., North Aurora.

Educate a Girl / Change the World 2024

Educate a Girl/Change the World provides life-changing education around the world.


We kindly request that you continue to support this powerful mission that lifts up the girls, their families and their communities.


Your past gifts have been impactful. For example, Luxene from Democratic Republic of the Congo looks forward to graduation from the United Methodist Africa University because of the generous scholarships you have funded over the past three years. 


Our 2024 fundraising goal is $8,000, to be able to provide scholarships for girls of all ages including three new college students:

  • Two grade school students in Kenya attending a Christian school
  • Five middle and high school students in Cambodia through UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief)
  • Four college students in Chicago and Nashville, including a new medical student

Gary Church, thank you for serving in love and making a huge impact in the lives of these girls by helping them attain their educational goals and giving them hope for a bright future! Learn more in the video below, and contribute here.


Tutors needed

Tuesdays, 6–7 p.m., Gamon Hall

Gary Church offers a weekly tutoring program to local elementary school children, and we invite your participation! For many years, Aldersgate UMC offered this program to children from Lincoln Elementary in south Wheaton. In the fall of 2022, Gary Church helped Aldersgate relaunch this program after a pandemic hiatus. Together, we provided tutoring for over 20 children during the 2022-23 school year. Following our merger last May, we are thrilled to be continuing this impactful ministry for the 2023-24 year at Gary Church. But we need your help!


We are looking for tutors to help us meet the growing need in Wheaton. Tutors range from high school students to retirees, and no special skill set is needed. The goal of the ministry is to provide one-on-one homework help to local students in grades 2 through 5. Many of the students who sign up for this program come from immigrant and refugee families resettled in the area. So, in addition to homework help, tutors work with students to improve their basic reading and math skills. The most important goal, however, is to show these children that another person cares about them and their learning.


With the pandemic years of remote schooling, students across the country have fallen behind, especially low-income children. That makes the need for this ministry even greater. Consider offering an hour from your week to help children from our community. Although we try to keep tutors and students paired throughout the school year, we understand that you cannot be there every week. The children are a joy and glad to get your attention. There is some preparatory training required and we have some experienced educators to provide support as needed. Please contact Jeff Bray through the Church Office if you have questions. Sign up to volunteer here.