Rev. Dr. Christopher Pierson

Senior Pastor
Office: 630-668-3100

I love Gary Church’s mission focus and that there is a strong love for God and all of God’s children. Our church is a congregation that meets people wherever they are on their journey.”

As a servant leader, Pastor Chris leads the Gary Church community in fulfilling its mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Prior to coming to Gary Church in 2016, he served as the Conference Director for the Northern Illinois Conference of the United Methodist Church and as pastor of congregations in Chicago, Aurora, and Roselle, Illinois. He earned a Master of Divinity degree from Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary (Evanston, IL) and a Doctor of Ministry Degree from New Brunswick Theological Seminary (New Jersey). Chris has received various awards for child advocacy, peace with justice, for the pursuit of inclusion and justice, and more. Married to Sandra with two adult children Cassie and Jared, Chris is an avid reader, a film buff, and enjoys spending time with his family and friends over a meal or strong cup of coffee.

Rev. Dr. Daniel Cochran

Associate Pastor

Office: 630-668-3100

“I am honored to serve the faithful community of Gary Church, which represents the body of Christ through inclusive hospitality, vibrant worship, active faith formation, and impactful missions.”


Pastor Daniel joins the staff at Gary Church by way of a merger with the congregation of Aldersgate UMC in south Wheaton. He is passionate about working with others to offer intergenerational worship services, engaging faith formation opportunities, and creative ministries that encourage personal and social transformation through God’s abundant grace and radical love. Born in California but raised in Rhode Island, he has served congregations and campus ministries in New York, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, and Illinois. He holds a BA in Religious Studies and Classics from the University of Rochester (NY), an MDiv from Harvard Divinity School, and a PhD in Art History from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is the author of Building the Body of Christ, which explores the role of visual art in shaping early Christian communities. An Eagle Scout and avid outdoorsman, Pastor Daniel enjoys fly fishing, alpine skiing, tent camping, and traveling with his wife Lauren (an ordained Presbyterian pastor) and their two children. Their scruffy rescue dog, Luna, would prefer they never left the house at all.

Carey Williams Bebar

Director of Christian Education
Office: 630-668-3100

“The first time I attended Gary, I felt like I’d come home. I have felt that way ever since. It is such a blessing to serve this loving, grace-filled community with open arms that welcome you home.”

Carey oversees educational offerings and ministry events for children and adults alike. After Carey joined Gary Church in 2010, she started volunteering in Kids’ Church. Over the years, her role expanded from volunteer to part-time Sunday School Coordinator to full-time staff. With a background in philosophy and theatre, Carey brings thoughtfulness and expression to the very young and young-at-heart. She still loves theater (and philosophy) but finds the most joy in raising her two children, cooking tasty food, and running through forest preserves.

Daniel Lee

Director of Youth Ministries
Office: 630-668-3100

“Gary Church definitely cares about its youth, which has been clear to me since the start of my hiring process. I have never had a job interview with youth as my interviewers. It means a lot when the church includes the youth in the youth director seeking process.”

Dan joined the Gary staff in April 2020. At Gary Church, he seeks to help every junior high and senior high student make steps toward a deeper relationship with Christ by building a youth ministry that is both meaningful and safe. Prior to coming to Gary, Dan served as the associate pastor of Christ UMC in Rockford, Illinois. He graduated with a Master of Divinity degree from Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary in 2012. Dan is married to Stacey and has a goldendoodle “son” named Brighton. In his free time, he likes to play basketball, practice pottery art known as Kintsugi, and travel to Japan.

Deb Evans

Business Administrator
Office: 630-668-3100

Gary Church is a welcoming and faith-filled community that offers opportunities for fellowship and growth. Gary Church is family and has become home.”

Deb is the primary staff liaison managing finances, human resources, facilities, and day-to-day activity. She has been a member of the church since 2009 when her son first attended Gary Preschool, and she joined the staff in 2018. Deb's education includes a bachelor's degree in communication from Valparaiso University and a master's degree in Nonprofit Administration from the University of Notre Dame. Deb is married to Eric, and they have a son, Corey. She enjoys hiking, gardening, and visiting National Parks.

Deb Hafner

Office Staff
Office: 630-668-3100

“Gary Church is my ‘Christian home.’ It’s a place where we learn about Christ’s teachings and love as well as a place where the members of the congregation have become family. I have been supported by our members over the years in good times and bad and have seen that support and love offered to all who enter our doors.”

Debra joined Gary Church in 1986 and began working in the Church Office in 1995. Her varied duties include answering the phones, preparing bulletins, printing newsletters, and working on financials. Many of her responsibilities involve working one-on-one with the congregation, which Debra says is one of the best parts of her job. Previously, Debra worked as a proofreader and customer service representative. In high school and college, she gained an array of experience working for her parents’ weekly newspaper and later running their Christian bookstore. A graduate of Westmar College in LeMars, Iowa, Debra has a Bachelor of Arts in English and Music and a teaching certificate in English. She and her husband Todd have four children, AJ (Sarah), Ben (Joe), Manuel, and Juan. When not at Gary, Debra works in their Real Estate Appraisal business. She plays in Altar Bells at Gary, teaches Sunday School, and co-chairs the Susanna Wesley Circle. Todd and Debra enjoy traveling. In the family challenge of visiting all 50 states, she is in second place with 44.

Joshua Velez

Director of Music
Office: 630-668-3100

To me, Gary Church is a community of welcome and healing, a place unafraid to pursue God’s love, beauty, and justice. Here, as throughout time and space, music in worship enables us to experience the history of the universal church, encourages us to accept the stranger as a friend, and entwines us in the music of the spheres.

Joshua (he/him) serves as the Director of Music, responsible for providing leadership to the entirety of the music ministry as well as directing choral activities and continuing a legacy of inclusivity and diversity within the worship life of the church. A versatile performer and educator, beyond his role at Gary Church, Joshua maintains an active schedule as a conductor, pianist, organist, and vocal coach, comfortably commanding genres from classical music to gospel, jazz, musical theatre, sacred music, musical improv, and beyond, as well as practicing the indigenous bomba music of his own Puerto Rican heritage. In addition to teaching students in his private studio, he works as a collaborative pianist and conductor with community and children’s choruses, and performs with Chicago opera companies, improv comedy clubs, memory care communities, and at a variety of other venues. He earned a Bachelor of Music and Certificate in Worship Arts from the Wheaton College Conservatory of Music. Originally from New Jersey, he enjoys in his free time exploring the gastronomic offerings of Chicagoland, along with baking and cooking himself, gardening (feel free to ask him about growing popcorn), supporting live performing arts, and picking up new skills and hobbies.

Kevin Lange

Office: 630-668-3100

“The worship tradition at Gary Church is a dynamic balance of liturgical practice and personal expression that supports warm relationships within the church family. I really love the fact that all congregants from the very young to the elderly are actively involved in leading the worship life of Gary Church.”

Kevin joined the staff of Gary Church in September 2018 and serves the congregation by leading worship from the pipe organ. He shapes thoughtful and creative accompaniments for congregational hymn singing and enjoys collaborating with the excellent soloists and ensembles. A weekly challenge that he particularly enjoys is improvising on a tune that relates to the children's sermon while the children exit. Kevin studied piano and organ under the tutelage of the organist of the local United Methodist church, a former professor of Wheaton College, a professor of Moody Bible Institute, and finally at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where he also studied harpsichord. He has been active with the American Guild of Organists, played organ at many area churches for congregations small and very large, and collaborated at the keys for gospel mass choirs, outdoor praise, TV production, and a blues concert. Kevin lives in Wheaton with his wife and two children and enjoys gardening and yard work.

Pam Connor


Office: 630-668-3100

“ I am grateful for the warm, welcoming atmosphere of Gary and for the opportunity to sing and play with so many talented musicians for the glory of God. “ 

Pam played piano and organ at Aldersgate United Methodist Church in Wheaton for 10 years. She has been a special education teacher for decades in District 200 and currently teaches 6th graders at Hubble Middle School. She has a BA in music education and music therapy and a masters in special education. Pam has also played at a local retirement home for a choir that her friend from Aldersgate, Melva, started. Earlier in her career, Pam worked in psychiatric hospitals as a music therapist then played and sang for years professionally. Since childhood, Pam attended a small, rural, Evangelical United Brethren church which later became United Methodist. Pam enjoys contemporary Christian music as well as playing the older, familiar hymns in new ways during the 11 a.m. service. She also accompanies the Men’s Chorus.

Jennifer Castino

Welcome Ministries Coordinator; Membership Secretary
Office: 630-668-3100

Jennifer feels blessed to welcome visitors and new members to Gary. She is passionate about helping both children and adults find a sense of belonging within our church community. 

Since joining Gary in 2013 Jennifer has been involved in many church ministries. She enjoys teaching Kids’ Church and her favorite event of the year is Gary’s Vacation Bible School. Jennifer is thankful for the opportunities Gary provides to grow in faith and fellowship with others.  

Jennifer’s perfect day includes a family adventure with her husband and son, a good book, and a strong cup of coffee.  

Janet Mathis

Communications Director
Office: 630-668-3100

“Gary Church offers so many wonderful opportunities to grow in faith—I’m excited to share all of Gary’s good news.”

Janet and her family joined Gary Church in 2005. She started as communications director in January 2021. Janet has served in several leadership roles at Gary over the years—Legacy of Faith capital campaign co-chair, Gary Preschool president, Health Team co-chair, Staff Parish Relations Committee chair, Outreach Committee chair, plus various volunteer positions. 

Janet enjoys Gary’s many music opportunities—she rings in Altar Bells, and you might hear her play the clarinet every now and then. She’s also a volunteer with Gary’s Troop 35, serving as merit badge counselor. Janet enjoys traveling with her husband and two children.

Pam Keller

Print Communications Coordinator
Office: 630-668-3100

“The people at Gary have always felt like family and have made my faith stronger. They are people you can count on and always feel welcomed by. Besides that, I could not work with a better staff of amazing people. They each bring very special gifts to Gary daily.”

Pam has been Gary’s Print Coordinator since 2014, a role that includes designing and coordinating our monthly newsletter, posters, and other print materials. With a degree in Graphics Arts and Design from the American Academy of Art in Chicago, Pam previously worked as Sr. Art Director for two marketing/small ad agencies. She paints or draws nearly every day and teaches art at College of DuPage. She has painted many private commissions and has offered her artistic talents for charity events, including 3-D outdoor sidewalk pieces for “Pets and Pals” in LaGrange. Pam is married to Bruce and they have two daughters Dani and Hanna, a son-in-law Matt (married to Dani), and two grandsons. Pam loves being outside, cycling, photography, and painting whenever she can.

Becky Lemna

Electronic Communications Coordinator
Office: 630-668-3100

“Gary Church has always been home for me. Growing up in Gary Church, getting married in Gary Church and then watching my own children grow in Gary Church has been a blessing. This church has such a strong foundation rooted in faith and in this community.”

Becky creates communications that go to the congregation and also maintains Gary’s website. She first joined Gary Church with her family when they moved to Wheaton in 1968. After graduating from Louisiana State University, she worked as Art and Design Manager for public relations firms and textbook publishers. After the birth of her first child, she began freelancing fulltime. She has her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design from Louisiana State University. Becky is married to Gary Lemna and they have three children, Alex, Rachael and Ruth. She enjoys spending time with her family.

Cindy Andrzejewski

Preschool Director; Teacher
Office: 630-668-3100

"My favorite thing about Gary Church is the people who attend here. They help to foster a sense of belonging and community connections. Gary Church provides a place where families can strengthen their faith and grow in their service to God through worship, mission programs and social activities."


Cindy has taught at Gary Preschool since 2003 and became the preschool director in 2024. She joined Gary Church in the early 90s with her husband Bob, and their children Keith, Paul and Cara who all attended Gary Preschool. Cindy enjoys spending time with her family and eight grandsons and the annual vacation in Myrtle Beach with them. She also enjoys biking and hiking.

Donna and Mike Capra

Custodial Staff
Office: 630-668-3100

“We are so blessed to have met and become friends with so many loving, caring, friendly, helpful, interesting, good people!”

Donna and Mike have operated their custodial business since 1993. Since 1997, they have kept the Gary and Winfield churches clean and neat. Married since 1981, they have a son, Joseph, married to Pam, and a daughter, Christine, married to Justin. The Capras have two grandsons, Logan and Jay. In their spare time, they love to help out with their amazing grandsons, continuing traditions of Mike’s Italian heritage, passed down from his parents.