We are committed to providing a variety of ways we can connect, grow and renew energy at Gary United Methodist Church in Wheaton, IL. Get connected through a variety of volunteer opportunities. Come find your place in the following study and fellowship opportunities as we walk together in our faith journeys.

We've Come This Far By Faith: 

The Journey of Black Methodists

Sundays, Feb. 16 and 23, 10:10 a.m., led by Rev. Dwight Stewart

We will look at the history of Black people in the Methodist church – a journey which has had its share of pain and struggle, and yet faith has helped them to survive. In this class we will visit the past to find hope for the future. 

The Message of Jesus: Words that Changed the World

Sundays, March 2– April 13 (off March 30 for spring break), 10:10 a.m., Commons A/B
Pastor and best-selling author Adam Hamilton explores six of the most important themes in Jesus's teachings, why they matter and how they speak to us today. This series will explore Jesus’s preaching on the Kingdom of God, the Sermon on the Mount, the parables, the “I am” sayings in John and more.


You’re welcome to drop in this class any Sunday with no preparation as we will start with a video. If you like, you can also read Hamilton’s The Message of Jesus: Words that Changed the World. Books are available for $15 in the Church Office.

Living Fully, Dying Well

Thursdays, 2–3:30 p.m., March 6–April 10, led by Rev. Dr. Fred Kelsey

In Living Fully, Dying Well, Bishop Ruben Job shares the experiences of his own heart attack as well as helping his brother struggling with cancer before his brother’s death. This video study will help us prepare for life’s most important moments. The Rev. Dr. Fred Kelsey, a retired United Methodist pastor, will lead the discussion. To join the study, email Pastor Carey Williams Bebar. Participant guides will be provided.

Author talk

Wednesday, March 12, 6:30 p.m.

To begin our Midweek Lenten Study, hear the Rev. Dr. Jennifer Powell McNutt discuss her book, The Mary We Forgot: What the Apostle to the Apostles Teaches the Church Today.

Midweek Lenten Study

Wednesdays, March 19 and 26, 6:30 p.m, led by Pastor Carey

Mary Magdalene's life was transformed when she was healed by Christ and joined his ministry from Galilee to Jerusalem. The Gospels teach that she was also a witness at the cross and the first one sent by Christ to preach his resurrection. Yet her story is often confused, scandalized and undervalued by the church.


In The Mary We Forgot: What the Apostle to the Apostles Teaches the Church Today, award-winning church historian and theologian Jennifer Powell McNutt unpacks Scripture and history to reveal the real Mary Magdalene: the first apostle of the good news and a model of discipleship for both men and women today. Books available through the Church Office for $10. We will discuss chapters 1–4 on March 19 and chapters 5–8 on March 26.

Unique combined mural

Saturday, April 5, 10 a.m.

Come and paint with artist and painting teacher Pam Keller. You will create a combined mural by painting your own individual piece of art. The mural will be displayed in the Gary Church Art Gallery in June.

Art Gallery at Gary Church:

Submit art by Monday, April 7

Friday, June 6-Saturday, June 7, submissions by Monday, April 7

Calling all artists! The Creative Arts Team invites artists ages 14 and up to submit their artwork for inclusion in the Gary Church Art Gallery. The Gary Commons will transform into a public art gallery with the goal of deepening relationships with our local community through the connective power of art. The theme for this year's art gallery is "The Symbolic Dimensions of Shared Spaces."  In a world increasingly fragmented by digital distractions, personal isolation, and partisan politics, the secular and sacred spaces we share with others carry deep significance. We encourage submissions that explore how shared spaces hold meaning and how they shape our interactions, personal growth, and collective identity. We welcome a variety of artistic forms including visual, literary and performance art as well as digital media. For more information and for the submission form, please email Pastor Daniel Cochran and the Creative Arts Team at Arts@garychurch.org.

The Story of Mary Magdalene: 

A Performance by Megan Wells

Wednesday, April 9, 6:30 p.m.

Professional Storyteller Megan Wells is known for creating an intimate storytelling atmosphere, infusing her characters with living souls, and delivering the experience with delicious theatrical timing. Hear her share the story of Mary Magdalene, witness to the cross and empty tomb.

Intercessory Prayer Group

Second Sunday of the month, 10:15 a.m., Chapel

You are invited to join this ministry focused on offering intercessory prayers for the most pressing issues in the world today. We'll pray for global, national and personal needs. We will plan to meet for 45 minutes, the second Sunday of the month.

Young Adult Pastor's Lunch

Sundays, Feb. 23, March 30 and April 27, noon

Our “post-High School/ college/ early on in adulthood/ probably in your 20s or 30s” adults are invited to join Pastor Dan Lee and a mix of other pastors for lunch in downtown Wheaton on the last Sunday of the month. Our treat! We will meet at Door 5 and go out for lunch and fellowship. RSVP to Pastor Dan Lee, or just come!

Ongoing studies during the week

Disciplines Devotional Study

Tuesdays, 10 a.m.

Read and discuss The Upper Room Disciplines 2024: A Book of Daily Devotions with faithful Gary Church members. Based on the Revised Common Lectionary, a 3-year cycle of Sunday Scripture readings, Disciplines features a Scripture passage for each day, short daily meditations from thought leaders from diverse Christian traditions, a reflection or prayer to carry with you each day and a guide to daily prayer. Contact the Church Office for more information.

Men’s Bible Study 
Tuesdays, 6:30–8 p.m., Anderson Room

The Men's Bible Study is open to all men seeking a deeper understanding of the Bible and Christian Faith. Please contact Steve Novy through the Church Office for more information.

Women's Bible Study
Wednesdays,  2 p.m., Anderson Room

The Women's Bible Study is open to all women seeking a deeper understanding of the Bible and Christian faithContact Holly Trueblood through the Church Office for more information. 

Grief Matters Support Group

Fridays, 10 a.m., Commons (may return to Wednesdays for the spring session.)

We welcome anyone grieving the death or loss of someone to be a part of this group. It is a place where you can be with people who understand how you feel and the pain of your loss. You’ll gain valuable tools to help you as you continue on the journey of grief. Register here.


Anti-Racist Book Club | Soil: The Story of a Black Mother's Garden by Camille T. Dunge

Wednesday, Feb. 26, 7 p.m., discussion led by Elaine McCluskey

In Soil: The Story of a Black Mother's Garden, poet and scholar Camille T. Dungy recounts the seven-year odyssey to diversify her garden in the predominately white community of Fort Collins, Colorado. Soil encourages readers to recognize the relationship between the peoples of the African diaspora and the land on which they live, and to understand that wherever soil rests beneath their feet is home. Read the book on your own and join the conversation. Register here.

Anti-Racist Book Club | The Color of Christ
Wednesday, March 26, 7 p.m., discussion led by Pastor Dwight Stewart
In The Color of Christ, Edward J. Blum and Paul Harvey weave a tapestry of dreams and visions to show how Americans remade the Son of God into a sacred symbol of their greatest aspirations, deepest terrors and mightiest strivings for racial power and justice. Read the book on your own and join the conversation. Register here.

Anti-Racist Book Club | Everything Sad is Untrue
Wednesday, April 23, 7 p.m., discussion led by Carla Lovett
In Everything Sad is Untrue, Daniel Nayeri writes this autobiographical novel told in the voice of a young Iranian refugee. It poses the questions: Who owns the truth? Who speaks it? Who believes it? Read the book on your own and join the conversation. Register here.

Special Blend Fellowship

Enjoy coffee, tea, treats and fellowship every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. in Commons E and near the Sanctuary. If you'd like to help with set up, clean up or providing goodies, sign up here.


United Women in Faith (formerly United Methodist Women)
United Women in Faith Circles are small groups that develop supportive fellowship and expand concepts of mission. All women are invited to participate. Contact the Church Office and we’ll put you in touch with the circle leader for more information on meeting dates and times.
Joy Circle 
Knitting/Stitching Circle 
Mary Martha 
Susanna Wesley

Walkers & Talkers Fellowship
Thursdays, 9:30 a.m., Commons
Stop in and chat with this welcoming fellowship group. 

New dates: Game Night
Saturdays, Feb. 22, March 22, April 26, 6:30-9 p.m., Commons
For the next few months, Game Night will move away from its regular fourth Friday timeslot to the dates above on Saturdays.
Join your Gary Church friends for games of bridge, dominoes or anything you like. Contact Fern Evelhoch through the Church Office for more information and to let us know you're coming.

Game night (May and beyond)

Fourth Friday of the month, 6:30–9 p.m., Commons
Join your Gary Church friends for games of bridge, dominoes or anything you like. Contact Fern Evelhoch through the Church Office for more information and to let us know you're coming.

Create cards
Thursdays, 1 p.m., Heritage Room
Anyone is welcome to drop in whenever you can to create cards. The cards go to people celebrating milestone birthdays and anniversaries. They go to people grieving or sick. And, the cards go to people to simply let them know their friends at Gary Church are thinking about them.

Help make Gary gardens gorgeous
Anyone can join the Gary Gardeners team, and in the spring, summer and fall, there’s always something to do. If you can help with weeding, watering, maintaining/updating planters, general landscaping or various short-term projects, please let Barbara Wernicke know through the Church Office.

Monday morning golfers
These golfers love to play together so much, they even meet in Florida in March! Here in Illinois, they try to play most Monday mornings in the spring, summer and fall at a different golf course each week. If you’d like to be a regular golfer or a substitute, contact the Church Office to get on the email list.

Class Meeting
each group decides best day/time
Looking for friendship? Belonging? A closer relationship with Jesus? You could find all that and more at the Class Meeting. Class Meeting is a small group that laughs, prays and encourages each other in Christ. We began our first Class Meeting the year before the pandemic, helping people grow in faith and develop deep friendships with others. For more information, contact Carey Williams Bebar.