Gary Youth

You have heard it said, “youth are the future.” At Gary Church in Wheaton, Illinois, we say, “youth are the now!" We believe our youth are called and empowered by God to make a difference in the world. We strive to support our youth, so that they are free to become disciples who share the love of Christ with their neighbors. 

At Gary Youth, you will:

  1. Have fun
  2. Be valued
  3. Explore the Christian faith
  4. Experience family
  5. Act through hands on compassion
  6. Keep growing
  7. Reach out


Sunday School

Middle School
10–11 a.m., Middle School Youth Room
Our middle school youth will be welcomed by John-Marc and Jane Bilezikian on Sunday mornings. Our youth will grow in their understanding about the Bible and explore it through storytelling, creative reflection and dialogue.

High School
10–11 a.m., High School Youth Room
Our high school youth are invited to join Pastor Dan Lee to discuss how the Sunday scripture passages connect to current world events, faith and everyday life. Come and grow with us!

Weekly Night Gathering (September through May)  

We play fun games, learn, have small group and pray together. Each month, we follow a connected theme. More details can be found in our church magazine, emails, Facebook or Instagram.

Middle School

Wednesday nights, 7–8:30 p.m.

High School

Sunday nights, 6–7:30 p.m.

Gary Youth Middle School Calendar

Gary Youth High School Calendar


2025 Summer Missions Presentation

Current 8th grade to 12th grade

Sunday, Sept. 15, 6-7:30 p.m., Commons

At Gary Youth, we believe that youth are called and empowered by God to make a difference in the world right now. That’s why we seek to find opportunities to grow in faith and serve all in love. Mission trips are a great way to broaden our perspectives as we learn about other cultures, engage in justice work with our hands and practice our leadership skills. Not to mention, serving others brings us joy! Parents, youth and interested adults are invited to hear about our 2025 summer mission trip.

Fall Retreat (Middle School & High School)

Friday, Sept. 27, 4 p.m.-Sunday, Sept. 29. 1 p.m., Lake Geneva Youth Camp

At this year’s fall retreat, the Rev. Caleb Hong, senior pastor of Christ UMC in Rockford will help us wrestle with life’s essential questions about identity, purpose and living our why. Gary Youth will join with other United Methodist youth groups in the Northern Illinois Conference for a weekend of worship, small groups, games and fun! Sign up here. Scholarships are available. Contact Pastor Dan Lee at for more information.


Seeing and Celebrating

Throughout October, Gary Church members will learn about Indigenous Peoples’ history and culture through several opportunities for all ages. The programs are a collaboration of Gary’s Christian Education and the church’s Educate A Girl / Change the World mission.


  • Creator Sang a Welcoming Song Kids’ Church Mission Study, Oct. 6-27.
  • Seeing & Celebrating Adult Christian Education Series, Oct. 13 and 20.
  • Midwest SOARRING Foundation’s Harvest Pow Wow, Oct.13, 12:30 p.m., DuPage County Fairgrounds, discounted tickets available before Oct. 5 here
  • Indigenous People We Need to Know Middle School and High School Youth Study
  • Moment in Mission: Welcome Dr. Doreen Wiese, A Leader for a New Chicago, Oct. 27 during 9 a.m. worship.
  • All-Church Special Event featuring the Black Hawk Performance Company, Oct. 27, 10 a.m.

More events and service opportunities

Acolytes wanted

If you’re a fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh grader, we’d love to have you serve as an acolyte in worship. To learn more about this meaningful position, contact Pastor Daniel Cochran or sign up here.

Gary Youth Band

Gary Youth love music and we have a band called 4:12! You are invited if you sing, play an instrument, or you want to learn a new instrument.  Let Pastor Dan Lee know if you want to join.

4:12 Youth Band: (7th-12th grade): Rehearsals Wednesdays, 5-6:15 p.m.

4:12 Youth Band Beginnings: (6th grade): Rehearsals Wednesdays, 6:30-7 p.m.

Let Us Know

We want to celebrate your gifts! If you have a concert, game, exhibit, ceremony, party, etc. you would like to tell us about, fill out a form here. We will do our best to attend to cheer you on!

Find us on Social Media

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Each year, parents and guardians are required to complete a form for their child/ren to participate in Gary Kids and Gary Youth activities. This includes Sunday School, mid-week gathering, and other events. Please click here to register your youth.