The Problem of 'Fake News'
Wed, Oct 30th 7pm - 8:30pm
Gary United Methodist Church 224 North Main Street Wheaton, IL 60187

Wednesday, Oct. 30, 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m., Commons, led by Joe Goldberg “Labeling sources ‘fake news’ has become a way to delegitimize any source one disagrees with. Legitimate news sources are being accused as ‘fake news’ as misinformation is being created. How do we deal with that? How can you tell you are being misinformed? Do you check your emotions, check the source, or evaluate the information? Let’s discuss this!” —Joe Goldberg Joe Goldberg is an adjunct professor of mass communication at the College of DuPage. He’s also a best-selling spy novel author, has been a CIA covert action officer, corporate intelligence director and international political consultant. Gary's Church & Society Committee is sponsoring this discussion.