The Message of Jesus: Words that Changed the World
Sun, Mar 16th 10:10am - 11am
Commons A/B
Gary United Methodist Church 224 North Main Street Wheaton, IL 60187

Sundays, March 2– April 13 (off March 30 for spring break), 10:10 a.m., Commons A/B Pastor and best-selling author Adam Hamilton explores six of the most important themes in Jesus's teachings, why they matter and how they speak to us today. This series will explore Jesus’s preaching on the Kingdom of God, the Sermon on the Mount, the parables, the “I am” sayings in John and more. You’re welcome to drop in this class any Sunday with no preparation as we will start with a video. If you like, you can also read Hamilton’s The Message of Jesus: Words that Changed the World. Books are available for $15 in the Church Office.