Welcome! Children are a vital part of our faith community. Our goal is to partner with families to share the love of God with children and nourish life-long relationships with Christ Jesus. Or, as we put it, to help kids grow in faith.

For more information about our Children's Ministries at Gary United Methodist Church in Wheaton, IL, please contact Carey Williams Bebar, Director of Christian Education, at 630-668-3100 x105 or cbebar@garychurch.org.

Another way to stay connected to Gary Kids is by joining the Gary Kids Facebook page. Check out activities, videos and devotions that help faith grow at home.

Gary Kids Registration Form


Kids' Church
All preschool 3s through third graders are invited to the Lower Level after the children's time during 9 a.m. worship. Please sign in at our Gary Kids Check-in Station located just outside the Sanctuary.

Helping Hands 

Fourth Sunday during 9 a.m. Kids’ Church
All children ages preschool 3s through grade 5 are invited to the Lower Level to use their “helping hands” to help our local, national and global neighbors.

Sunday School, 10 a.m., starting Sept. 8

Preschool through grade 3: Lower Level
Grades 4–5: Anderson Room, Main Level

Wednesdays (starting Sept. 11)

Wednesday night children’s music

All Gary Kids are invited to grow in faith and serve in love through the music ministry! Cherub Choir, Friendship Choir and Good News Ringers all meet on Wednesdays. See music page for details and register here.


Wednesday night child care

Wednesdays, 6:15–8 p.m.

Wednesday night child care is offered for children preschool 3s through fifth grade. This supervised playtime is available for families with children in multiple choirs and/or parents seeking childcare during class meetings or small group studies. Contact Pastor Carey for more information.

Gary Kids Calendar

Special events

Third Grade Bible

Sundays, Sept. 8-Nov. 17, 10 a.m. during Sunday School

On Sunday, Sept. 8, Gary Church will give every third grader a Bible. This is an important event in a child’s Christian education journey, as well as the life of our church. With the presentation of these Bibles, we pray children come to realize more fully the importance of the Bible as an integral part of their life. To help students become more familiar with their new Bible, a Third Grade Bible Class will be taught during the 10 a.m. Sunday school hour with a special group presentation at 9 a.m. worship on Nov. 17.


Parent’s Night Out

Friday, Sept. 13, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Drop off your kiddos at Gary Church and enjoy some well-deserved time away. Each month features a movie, craft and free-play for kids ages preschool 3s through fifth grade. Limit 20. Suggested cash donation of $5 per child. Register here.


Festival of Cultures

Sunday, Sept. 15, 2 p.m., Memorial Park

Meet up with Gary Kids families and celebrates the diversity of cultures that make Wheaton a vibrant, welcoming community. This free, family-friendly event features live entertainment, cultural booths, mural and passport activities for kids, and storytelling.


4th & 5th Grade Fellowship Kickoff Party

Friday, Sept. 20, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Fourth and fifth graders are invited to a kickoff party at the church featuring games, food and fun! RSVP to Pastor Carey Williams Bebar at cbebar@garychurch.org.


Helping Hands | Red Bird Mission School Supplies Drive

Donations accepted throughout September

Helping Hands Lesson: Sunday, Sept. 29, during 9 a.m. Kids' Church

Gary Kids are collecting school supplies for Red Bird Mission. Founded in 1921 in the southeastern corner of Kentucky, Red Bird provides quality education to children in one of the most economically challenged places in the nation. Donations of Clorox wipes, mechanical pencils, backpacks, two-pocket folders, 2" 3-ring notebooks, scotch tape, composition books, pencil bags, and pencil sharpeners will be accepted in a bin outside the Church Office throughout September. On Sept. 29, Gary Kids will sort and box donated items, as well as learn about Red Bird Mission with a hands-on lesson and craft.


Trunk or Treat

Saturday, Oct. 26, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

Trunk or Treat offers radical hospitality to our community neighbors and creates lasting memories for all involved. Last year we saw over 1,000 people, which means we need many hands to make this event spook-tacular. Join in the fun by decorating a trunk, being a general volunteer or donating candy. And be sure to invite your kids, grandkids, and neighbors to this fun community outreach event! Sign up to decorate a trunk or volunteer here.

Seeing and Celebrating

Throughout October, Gary Church members will learn about Indigenous Peoples’ history and culture through several opportunities for all ages. The programs are a collaboration of Gary’s Christian Education and the church’s Educate A Girl / Change the World mission.


  • Creator Sang a Welcoming Song Kids’ Church Mission Study, Oct. 6-27.
  • Seeing & Celebrating Adult Christian Education Series, Oct. 13 and 20.
  • Midwest SOARRING Foundation’s Harvest Pow Wow, Oct.13, 12:30 p.m., DuPage County Fairgrounds, discounted tickets available before Oct. 5 here
  • Indigenous People We Need to Know Middle School and High School Youth Study
  • Moment in Mission: Welcome Dr. Doreen Wiese, A Leader for a New Chicago, Oct. 27 during 9 a.m. worship.
  • All-Church Special Event featuring the Black Hawk Performance Company, Oct. 27, 10 a.m.

Service opportunities

Kids’ Church and Sunday School teacher and assistants needed!

Plans are in the works for Kids’ Church and Sunday School this fall! Gary Church’s vibrant children’s ministry is only possible through the leadership of volunteers. Please prayerfully consider if you are able to help Gary Kids grow in faith by volunteering once a month September–May as a Kids’ Church leader or assistant, or serving for a month, every other month as a Sunday School leader or assistant. Contact Pastor Carey for more information.

Acolytes wanted

If you’re a fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh grader, we’d love to have you serve as an acolyte in worship. To learn more about this meaningful position, contact Pastor Daniel Cochran or sign up here.